Friday, 26 October 2012

Tree Plantation Drive

What better way is there to conserve mother nature apart from planting trees. These trees are a step of the present but will give us their precious shade in the future.

A few clicks from TGCC GR 02

It was once said that if every single Indian planted just one tree in their life, there would be billion more trees on the planet. As students of Manipal, we have always been pro green and unafraid to get our hands dirty if it ensures a cleaner, greener environment in our campus and even around it. 

Carrying pickaxes and shovels, we walked to a patch of soil behind one of our academic blocks. The soil was soft with rainwater and so it wasn’t very difficult to shovel through it. 

Some of us already had experience with gardening and it was nice to do something that was part of our lives at home. For those who were not familiar with gardening ,it was a new and exhilarating experience.

I hope that everyone who witnessed our efforts gets inspired to do the same. Every drop of water makes an ocean and if every one of us becomes determined to help our environment in even a small way,our planet could become a better place for us to live in. 

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