Monday, 29 October 2012

Nurtured with passion-The Manipal Lake man

Retd. Wing Com. Mr. Bhojraj moved to Manipal in the year ’94 and has been looking after the Manipal Lake for the past 6-7 years. So, he’ll let us know a few things about the lake. How government is helping in maintaining the lake. A quick insight to this environmentalist efforts in preserving the lake and giving Manipal its first ever perennial source of water.

". Manipal name came from this lake which is known as “Mannupalla”. In Kannada, ‘Mannu’ means soil and ‘Palla’ means pond. So, if you see the topography here, all around you find laterite stone and it is more like a bowl shaped area. With excessive rain of almost 4000mm in this area, all the soil which was on the top of the hill and the catchment area was moving in here."

"We thought why don’t we develop the bio diversityof this place.As you see today you find a lot of changes ,you will find a number of trees,variety of trees and even if you see the growth here you will find that earlier there was no grass here. Today its full of biodiversity-grass,shrubs,whatever you call it is we have seen the result.So over a period of time we hope will be able to retaion the water throughout the year."

". I think our politicians should come out of their land grabbing attitude and should come and see how we can make life of people comfortable here"

Green House- An Awesome Video

An attempt on the part of Akshay Urja Club MIT, Manipal to spread awareness about  environmental issues. Hope this will help people realize  about the severity of the issue.

From the start of the industrial revolution more than 200 years ago, developed nations have achieved ever greater prosperity and higher living standards. But through this period our activities have come to affect our atmosphere, oceans, geology, chemistry and biodiversity. What is now plain is that the emission of greenhouse gases, associated with industrialization and strong economic growth from a world population that has increased sixfold in 200 years, is causing global warming at a rate that began as significant, has become alarming and is simply unsustainable in the long-term.

TGCC : An experience to share

We went to a classroom to recruit new members into the TGCC team of MIT, Manipal. The class had strength of about 50 people. We first introduced ourselves and briefed about the work we have done till now and spoke about TGCC.

It is an initiative by IIT-Bombay to involve people in sustainable development and create awareness about effects of neglecting the current global environmental scenario.

 The activities are designed in such a way as to create awareness as well as apply practical solutions to the existing problems. The different categories under this are Biodiversity and Land Management, Climate and Air, Design and creativity, Energy, Sustainability, Social Outreach etc…

Scavenger Hunt

Scavenger hunt is an event conducted on 12th October ’12 by the TGCC team of Manipal Institute of Technology, Manipal. 

The basic idea of the event was similar to that of a treasure hunt but in this case the treasure was replaced by waste like plastic and glass bottles thrown away, plastic covers, paper waste and other forms of waste. 

There were strategic points where in each point had a different kind of waste. This waste was collected by our team 2 days in prior to the event inside the campus.
The event started off with an IQ question. 

Those who solved the question started of early for the hunt. Clues were given to the 1st strategic point and the clue to the next place was attached to the waste present at that spot. This way many of the teams covered the all the places and completed the race.

The main theme of the scavenger hunt was to spread awareness 

about waste management and about the harmful effects of non-biodegradable waste, especially for the college students who are generally very irresponsible and lazy coming to waste disposal.

So you think you know it?

Well, after all this spreading awareness and enlightening people about environmental was time to check for their knowledge and understanding about eco-safety.

The questionnaire was decided to be disclosed by the team, but here are a few pics from the Group Discussion and Quiz pictures.

Here is it : TGCC Task: SO 04

The Green Knight Rises...

A Short film by the team : THE GREEN KNIGHT SHALL RISE.

Medical Waste Disposal

   Bio-medical waste is defined as waste that is generated during the diagnosis, treatment or immunization of human beings and are contaminated with patients’ body fluids (such as syringes, needles, ampules).

The Ministry of Environment & Forests notified the Biomedical Waste (management & handling) Rules, 1998" in July 1998. In accordance with the rules, every hospital generating BMW needs to set up requisite BMW treatment facilities on site or ensure requisite treatment of waste at common treatment facility.Some of them are:

1. Autoclave
4. Needle remover

A Study was conducted by the team at the Kasturba Hospital, Manipal. Following are the gathered points:

      Biomedical waste disposal is outsourced to external authorized agent “Ramky foundation”.
      A van belonging to them collects waste every afternoon. Waste is treated at location about 30 km away.
      Till about 6 years ago the hospital operated an incinerator, after outsourcing waste disposal it was decommissioned.
      Auto clave is used by various labs for sterilization of  reusable instruments, but pre-disposable waste is not used in autoclave.
      The type of x-ray machine and CT scan used by KMC does not produce any radioactive waste.
      Radioactive waste is however generated by the  department of nuclear medicine.

Friday, 26 October 2012

A march to remember

Green march was an event conducted on the 13th of October ‘12 by the TGCC team of Manipal Institute of Technology, Manipal. It was a march conducted to spread awareness among the people of Manipal. 54 students of Manipal Institute of Technology took part in the march.

The march became a success with local support

The march started from Kamath circle, a place inside the college campus and went on to Tiger circle, the entry point to the whole of Manipal. We started off by shouting slogans like “hasire usuru (green is breath)”, “each one, plant one”, “Prithvi hai tho hum hai”,”Jal hi jeevan hai” and so on

The green march was a huge success with so many participants turning on a Sunday morning. Many of the local people also joined us and showed interested in protecting the environment